System Settings
This page explains how a System Administrator can configure some settings in the system for different purposes.
Configurable Parameters
set default channel into system. The self sign-up or Google sign up user are under this channel
set org id of custodianOrgChannel created earlier
message for the rootOrgs whose content is being created or they don’t have content yet
framework ID for course creation, this framework needs to be created first
terms and condition page
public page url for consumption FAQ
Read Values that are Already Set
Use the following curl command to check the value that is already set for a particular parameter. Replace the value in the {key} with the required ID. The key refers to the ID to be configured using the cURL command.
Configure Custodian Channel
Configure the Sunbird LMS custodian channel ID using the following cURL command.
Configure Custodian Org ID
Configure the Sunbird LMS custodian Org ID using the following cURL command. Use the Org ID for the custodian channel set earlier. The custodian channel ID and the custodian Org ID work as a pair.
Configure the Content Coming Soon Page
Configure the message on the Content Coming Soon page using the following cURL command. This message is used by those root organizations that do not have any content, as on date.
Configure Course Framework ID
Configure the Sunbird LMS Course Framework ID using the following cURL command. Create the same framework in the Knowledge Platform sub system.
Configure the Terms and Conditions page
Configure the Sunbird LMS Terms and Conditions page configuration using the following cURL command.
Configure FAQs for User Consumption
Confifure the Sunbird LMS FAQs for users using the following cURL command.
Last updated
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