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Refer to **** the below various API documentation related to all the different APIs that are being consumed with in all the batch jobs.
This API gives the collection summary, like the total number of enrolments, completion count, count of certificates issued.
Search filters
Id of the collection
Id of the batch
String Array
"state", "dist"
StartDate - Batch Start Date and Default EndDate - Current Date
This API will internally call ‘/dataset/v1/request/list API in Obsrv ‘On Demand Data Exhaust API’, to list all the requests that are specific to a tag
User token
Organisation id of the requestor
UserId of the requester - ORG_ADMIN, COURSE_MENTOR
No body
This API is associated with fetching specific resources.
Please append a valid Section Id to the request URL
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource. Possible media types can be:-
This Id Uniquely identifies a request if the same API is executed multiple times.
Time Stamp at which get specific page resources request was sent.
All User APIs require authorization for use. Specify the authorization key received from the administrator when placing the request for use of the API.
The token/key used to execute the API
This API is associated with fetching specific section details.
Please append a valid Section Id to the request URL
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource. Possible media types can be:-
This Id Uniquely identifies a request if the same API is executed multiple times.
Time Stamp at which Fetch Section Details request was sent.
All User APIs require authorization for use. Specify the authorization key received from the administrator when placing the request for use of the API.
The token/key used to execute the API
This API is associated with fetching the settings of a page.
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource. Possible media types can be:-
This Id Uniquely identifies a request if the same API is executed multiple times.
Time Stamp at which fetch settings request was sent.
All User APIs require authorization for use. Specify the authorization key received from the administrator when placing the request for use of the API.
The token/key used to execute the API
The UserEnrolmentList api provides the detail of a user's all enrolled CourseBatches The endpoint for UserEnrolment List is /user/enrollment/list/{{user-id}}
The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. They cannot be null or empty.
Id of user for whom enrolment details we want
Org details related with course
License details related with course
Different course related details can be passed
Batch details can be passed to filter
The batch data got updated in cache after sometime to get updated details immediately we can pass cache false
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource.Possible media types can be:- Application/json
To make use of the API, you require authorization. Raise a request to the administrator for the use of the API. You will receive the authorization key. Specify the key received, here.
The alphanumeric string for accessing the API
This API will internally call ‘/dataset/v1/request/submit’ API in SB-Obsrv ‘On Demand Data Exhaust API’, to submit the on demand exhaust job request. The job status will be in the submitted state.Â
User token
API key
Organisation id of the requestor
UserId of the requester - ORG_ADMIN, COURSE_MENTOR
No body
This API allows you to attach certificate templates.
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource.Possible media types can be Application/json
The timestamp at which the Add certificate template request was sent.
A unique ID that identifies the request, in case the same API is executed multiple times.
The access token of the registered user sending the given API request. This is an alphanumeric string.
To make use of the API, you require authorization. Raise a request to the administrator for the use of the API. You will receive the authorization key. Specify the key received here.
This API is associated with detaching certificate templates.
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource.Possible media types can be Application/json
The timestamp at which the remove certificate template request was sent.
A unique ID that identifies the request in case the same API is executed multiple times.
The access token of the registered user sending the given API request. This is an alphanumeric string.
To make use of the API, you require authorization. Raise a request to the administrator for the use of the API. You will receive the authorization key. Specify the key received here.
This API is associated with creating a new page. To create a page first create the page section using section create api.make page name unique.
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource. Possible media types can be:-
This Id Uniquely identifies a request if the same API is executed multiple times.
Time Stamp at which creating page request was sent.
All User APIs require authorization for use. Specify the authorization key received from the administrator when placing the request for use of the API.
The token/key used to execute the API
unique API ID
2013/10/15 16:16:39
This API is associated with updating the page information
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource. Possible media types can be:-
This Id Uniquely identifies a request if the same API is executed multiple times.
Time Stamp at which update page information request was sent.
All User APIs require authorization for use. Specify the authorization key received from the administrator when placing the request for use of the API.
The token/key used to execute the API
unique API ID
2013/10/15 16:16:39
This API is associated with creating a new section on a page.
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource. Possible media types can be:-
This Id Uniquely identifies a request if the same API is executed multiple times.
Time Stamp at which create section request was sent.
All User APIs require authorization for use. Specify the authorization key received from the administrator when placing the request for use of the API.
The token/key used to execute the API
unique API ID
2013/10/15 16:16:39
{"name":"Recommended TextBook","searchQuery":{"request":{"query":"","filters":{"language":["English"],"contentType":["TextBook"]},"limit":10,"sort_by":{"lastUpdatedOn":"desc"}}},"sectionDataType":"course","display":{"name":{"en":"popular story","hi":"????????"}}}
This API is associated with updating content of a section on a page.
The Content Type entity is the media type of the resource. Possible media types can be:-
This Id Uniquely identifies a request if the same API is executed multiple times.
Time Stamp at which updating page section request was sent.
All User APIs require authorization for use. Specify the authorization key received from the administrator when placing the request for use of the API.
The token/key used to execute the API
unique API ID
2013/10/15 16:16:39
{"id":122662435116892160,"name":"Popular Course","searchQuery":{"request":{"query":"","filters":{"objectType":["Content"],"mimeType":["application/vnd.ekstep.html-archive"],"status":["Draft","Live"]},"offset":0,"limit":5}},"sectionDataType":"course","display":{"name":{"en":"popular Course","hi":"????????"}}}
The API associated with user enrolment into a courseBatch. The endpoint for Course Enrol is /enrol
The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. They cannot be null or empty.
To make use of the API, you require authorization. Raise a request to the administrator for the use of the API. You will receive the authorization key. Specify the key received, here.
The alphanumeric string for accessing the API
The Course Unenrol API is associated with unenrol of a user from a CourseBatch. The endpoint for Course Unenrol is /unenrol
The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. They cannot be null or empty.
To make use of the API, you require authorization. Raise a request to the administrator for the use of the API. You will receive the authorization key. Specify the key received, here.
The alphanumeric string for accessing the API