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Last updated
The three exhaust reports depends on the user-metadata information which are generated from user-cache-updater flink job by fetching informations from different core cassandra tables and are stored into the redis cache. There is one time spark ETL script which populates the user data to redis cache after having the . From Release-3.7.0 new fields have been introduced and few field’s formulae have been modified. Following are the modules needs to be touched upon for this ticket:
User-cache-updater flink job
ETLUserCacheUpdater Job (one time script to populate users)
Exhaust Jobs (To introduce new fields)
Progress Exhaust
Userinfo Exhaust
JIRA Link: SB-21691: All Reports (course level etc.) to include the new fields being addedRELEASED
Reference Wiki Links: 1. User Table Changes: SC-2184 : Data model changes to user schema to store location, persona, subpersona in generic way 2. Org Table Changes: SC-2190 : Data model changes to organisation schema to store schools as organisations
Table Schema Changes:
Field Name | Type | Table Name | Description | |
| ||||
1 | Block Name | String | USER - get locationids from USER.profilelocation[*].id LOCATION - | User’s Block Name. USER.profilelocation.{id} and LOCATION.type='block' and fetch the { name } as block_name |
2 | Board | String | USER.framework.{ board } | User’s board Assumption: It is single valued |
3 | Cluster Name | String | USER - get locationids from USER.profilelocation[*].id LOCATION - | User’s Cluster Name. USER.profilelocation.{id} and LOCATION.type='cluster' and fetch the { name } as cluster_name |
4 | District Name | String | USER - get locationids from USER.profilelocation[*].id LOCATION - | User’s District Name. USER.profilelocation.{id} and LOCATION.type='district' and fetch the { name } as district_name |
5 | Email ID | String | | User mail id in an encrypted format |
6 | First Name | String | USER.firstname | User first name |
7 | framework | String | | User’s framework id Assumption: It is single valued |
8 | Grade | List[String] | USER.framework.{ gradeLevel } | User grades |
9 | Language | List[String] | USER.language | User Language |
10 | Last Name | String | USER.lastname | User Last Name |
11 | Medium | List[String] | USER.framework.{ medium } | User medium |
12 | Mobile Number | String | | User phone number in an encrypted format |
13 | Orgname | String | ORGANISATION.orgname | User’s Org Name 1. Select { orgname } from ORGANISATION where UserOrg.organisationid = |
14 | Rootorgid | String | USER.rootorgid | User root org id (can be used to differentiate between custodian and state user) |
15 | School Name | String | ORGANISATION | User’s School Name. Select externalid from ORGANISATION where and orgtype=school |
16 | School UDISE Code | String | ORGANISATION | User’s School UDISE Code. Select orgname from ORGANISATION where and orgtype=school |
17 | State Name | String | USER - get locationids from USER.profilelocation[*].id LOCATION - | User’s State Name. USER.profilelocation.{id} and LOCATION.type='state' and fetch the { name } as state_name |
18 | Subject | List[String] | USER.framework.{ subject } | User subjects |
19 | usersignintype | String | if custodianRootorgId = rootorgid then ‘Self-Signed-In’ else 'Validated' | User’s sign-in type |
20 | UserSubType | String | USER.profileUserType.subType | User’s Sub Type |
21 | UserType | String | USER.profileUserType.type | User Type |
Properties to be Deleted:
Field Namee | Type | Table Name | Description |
Externalid | String | user_declaration | The externalid will be removed from userinfo-exhaust report |