Organisation Management
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This API is for creation of a new Organisation on the Sunbird Platform.
The body contains metadata about the new Organisation to be created.
OK. Successful operation. The Organisation Create operation was successfully executed.
Represents the ID of the request which was made
Represents the version of the API which was used
Represents the EPOCH (UTC) timestamp in milliseconds since EPOCH
This API is for updating status of an existing Organisation on the Sunbird Platform.
The body contains metadata about an existing Organisation whose status is required to be updated.
OK. Successful operation. The requested operation was successfully executed.
Represents the ID of the request which was made
Represents the version of the API which was used
Represents the EPOCH (UTC) timestamp in milliseconds since EPOCH
This API is for creation/addition of keys to an Organisation
The body contains metadata about the new keys to be created.
OK. Successful operation. The Assign key to an Organisation operation was successfully executed.
Represents the ID of the request which was made
Represents the version of the API which was used
Represents the EPOCH (UTC) timestamp in milliseconds since EPOCH
This API is for updating details of an existing Organisation on the Sunbird Platform.
The body contains metadata about an existing Organisation to be updated.
OK. Successful operation. The requested operation was successfully executed.
Represents the ID of the request which was made
Represents the version of the API which was used
Represents the EPOCH (UTC) timestamp in milliseconds since EPOCH
This API is for searching for Organisations on the Sunbird Platform.
The body contains metadata about filters that can be used in Organisation search.
OK. Successful operation. The requested operation was successfully executed.
This API is for viewing details of an existing Organisation on the Sunbird Platform.
The body contains metadata about the Organisation whose details are required to be viewed.
OK. Successful operation. The requested operation was successfully executed.