
Notification Service has dependency to UserOrg service. It fetches the custodian org id from UserOrg using system settings API. This custodian org id is added to the channel value and then to request context. This in turn gets injected into telemetry data and logs.

Dependency API:

/api/data/v1/system/settings/list API Method: GET

Sample Response Payload
  "id": "api.system.settings.list",
  "ver": "v1",
  "ts": "2020-12-01 12:21:46:829+0000",
  "params": {
    "resmsgid": null,
    "msgid": "f11acda288889cf47ecdf8812e623387",
    "err": null,
    "status": "success",
    "errmsg": null
  "responseCode": "OK",
  "result": {
    "response": [
        "id": "uniqueField",
        "field": "uniqueField",
        "value": false
        "id": "custodianRootOrgId",
        "field": "custodianRootOrgId",
        "value": "01285019302823526477"
        "id": "tncConfigtest",
        "field": "tncConfigtest",
        "value": "test"
        "id": "userTnc",
        "field": "userTnc",
        "value": "{\"latestVersion\":\"3.5.0\"}"
        "id": "test",
        "field": "test",
        "value": "@test"
        "id": "userTnc",
        "field": "userTnc",
        "value": "{\"latestVersion\":\"3.5.0\"}"
        "id": "channelRegStatus",
        "field": "channelRegStatus",
        "value": false
        "id": "phoneUnique",
        "field": "phoneUnique",
        "value": true
        "id": "systemInitialisationStatus",
        "field": "systemInitialisationStatus",
        "value": "CUSTODIAN_ORG_CREATED"
        "id": "courseFrameworkId",
        "field": "courseFrameworkId",
        "value": "tpd"
        "id": "consumptionFaqs",
        "field": "consumptionFaqs",
        "value": ""
        "id": "ssoCourseSection",
        "field": "ssoCourseSection",
        "value": "0129795520637419527"
        "id": "emailUnique",
        "field": "emailUnique",
        "value": true
        "id": "tn",
        "field": "tn",
        "value": "{'helpdeskEmail':'','playstoreLink':''}"
        "id": "emailUniqueAndPhone",
        "field": "emailUniqueAndPhone",
        "value": true

/v1/org/read API Method: GET

Sample Response Payload
  "result": {
    "id": "",
    "ver": "v1",
    "ts": "2020-11-23 10:03:39:935+0000",
    "params": {
      "resmsgid": null,
      "msgid": "5398bdd7-f80d-4a9e-9c13-90ae3c6bbcb0",
      "err": null,
      "status": "success",
      "errmsg": null
    "responseCode": "OK",
    "result": {
      "dateTime": null,
      "preferredLanguage": null,
      "keys": {},
      "channel\"": "ChannelNew",
      "approvedBy": null,
      "description": "Updated Description",
      "updatedDate": "2020-12-01 10:29:49:496+0000",
      "addressId": "0131630420489011201",
      "provider": "channelnew",
      "orgCode": null,
      "locationId": null,
      "theme": null,
      "id": "0131630445447741440",
      "isApproved": null,
      "communityId": null,
      "slug": "channelnew",
      "email": "",
      "isSSOEnabled": false,
      "identifier": "0131630445447741440",
      "thumbnail": null,
      "updatedBy\"": null,
      "orgName": "Org Name",
      "address": {},
      "externalId": "extid",
      "rootOrgId": "0131630445447741440",
      "imgUrl": null,
      "approvedDate": null,
      "homeUrl": null,
      "isDefault": null,
      "createdDate": "2020-12-01 09:52:46:962+0000",
      "createdBy": null,
      "hashTagId": "0131630445447741440",
      "noOfMembers": null,
      "status": 0,
      "orgLocation": [
          "id": "9541f516-4c01-4322-aa06-4062687a0ce5",
          "type": "block"
          "id": "6dd69f1c-ba40-4b3b-8981-4fb6813c5e71",
          "type": "district"
          "id": "e9207c22-41cf-4a0d-81fb-1fbe3e34ae24",
          "type": "cluster"
          "id": "ccc7be29-8e40-4d0a-915b-26ec9228ac4a",
          "type": "state"
      "isTenant": true,
      "isSchool": true,
      "organisationType": 2

The Notification service requires a few configurations to be set in the properties file. Some of these properties can also be set as environment variables.

Last updated