Cassandra is the primary data store for groups and Redis is used for caching the group API response.
Cassandra Database [keyspace : sunbird_groups]
CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS sunbird_groups WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':1};CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sunbird.user(id text,userId text,userName text, email text,phone text,aadhaarNo text,createdDate text,updatedDate text,updatedBy text,
id text PRIMARY KEY,
activities list<frozen<map<text, text>>>,
createdby text,
createdon timestamp,
description text,
membershiptype text,
name text,
status text,
updatedby text,
updatedon timestamp
CREATE INDEX idx_group_status ON (status);
CREATE TABLE sunbird_groups.group_member (
groupid text,
userid text,
createdby text,
createdon timestamp,
removedby text,
removedon timestamp,
role text,
status text,
updatedby text,
updatedon timestamp,
visited boolean,
PRIMARY KEY (groupid, userid)
CREATE INDEX idx_group_member_status ON sunbird_groups.group_member (status);
CREATE TABLE sunbird_groups.user_group (
userid text PRIMARY KEY,
groupid set<text>